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Recently, here in Poland I had a chance to be invited to several schools and a kindergarden to intoduce concept of freediving, ocean protection and preservation of marine life and how to become breath aware and how to work with concentration. I take it as a great privilidge and opportunity to be able to talk to these crucial people who will be leaders and creators of the reality of the life on this planet.
O spotkaniu z uczniami LOw Zamościu możesz przeczytać też tutaj: Podróż w głąb siebie
open air talkin’ about the nature. PAN Reseach Station of Nencki Institute, Mikołajki Stacja Badawcza Instytutu Nenckiego PAN , Mikołajki Getting focused at Stacja Badawcza Instytutu Nenckiego PAN , Mikołajki Talking about out BLUE PLANET at Stacja Badawcza Instytutu Nenckiego PAN , Mikołajki The power of every single breath at t Stacja Badawcza Instytutu Nenckiego PAN , Mikołajki I was truly touched at t Stacja Badawcza Instytutu Nenckiego PAN , Mikołajki
Body, movement and breath awarness atPrimary School/Szkoła Podstawowa w Namysłowie Talking about mermaids, big blue fears and courage atPrimary School/Szkoła Podstawowa w Namysłowie Silence, focus, breathe at Primary School/Szkoła Podstawowa w Namysłowie Great, powerful people atPrimary School/Szkoła Podstawowa w Namysłowie
If you are interested in this matter, I would be pleased to talk more about that and meet students of your school. Feel free to contact me.
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